We are part of
the Christian Reformed Church

  • We call ourselves Christian because we are followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the center of human history. 
  • We’re called Reformed because we grow on a branch of the church tree that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe.
  • We’re a Church because we believe God has called us together to be a people who belong to him and live for him.

Cornerstone Church Distinctives

Get to know more about what we believe.

In Theology: Reformed

  • We trust wholly in the sovereign grace of God in and over all things.

In Polity: Presbyterian

  • Specifically, our church polity is Pastor/Elder-led and Council-ruled.

In Baptism: Paedobaptist

  • We practice and teach the baptism of believers and their children.

In Communion: Open

  • All professing Christians are welcome to share communion at our church.

In Roles: Complementarian

  • We believe God created male and female as complementary expressions of the image of God to fulfill unique and distinct roles.

In Affections: Charismatic

  • We are committed to pursue all the fullness of God with use of his spiritual gifts in the life of the church.

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